LuckyBrawl (v1.0)
Welcome to LuckyBrawl! In this 2D shooter game, you can unlock characters (known as brawlers), gamemodes, modifiers, environments, and environment-exclusive gamemodes using X-Points (also known as points).
For anything that is initially locked, you will be shown how many X-Points are required in order to unlock it. The total number of X-Points you have are displayed on the top right of your screen (but does not display during battle).
There is a settings icon (a green gear) on the top right corner of your screen that you can press to access links to my Discord server, my YouTube channel, adjust the volume of music and sound effects, and adjust the speed of everything in the game.
Choose a brawler by pressing on the “Brawlers” button in the lobby, scrolling through the entire list of brawlers (if needed), pressing on their icon, and then pressing on the select button that appears. Their descriptions contain lore about the brawler and descriptions for their primary and secondary attacks, and can be scrolled through. Each brawler has an ammo bar and a secondary ammo bar which appear under your health bar. Most brawlers have different reload speeds and cooldown times, and some brawlers have different amounts of ammo.
On PC, use the arrow keys or the “W”, “A”, “S”, and “D” keys to move. Click to use your primary attack and press space bar to use your secondary attack in the direction your mouse is facing. You can also right click to view your primary attack’s aim, and press the “1” key to aim your secondary attack.
On mobile, drag the blue joystick handle to move. Drag the white joystick handle towards the outer white ring to shoot. Drag the green joystick handle towards the outer green ring to shoot. The white joystick will also display your primary attack’s aim when being dragged, and the green joystick will also display your secondary attack’s aim when being dragged.
When pressing the “Battle” button, you will be taken to a gamemode selection screen, with a variety of different settings. Each gamemode has different, unique objectives, no matter how similar they may seem. You can scroll through all of the gamemodes and select a gamemode to see their scrollable descriptions regarding how to play them. Press play to enter a battle with your selected gamemode.
You, teammates, and enemies can hide in bushes, but cannot walk through walls. Be aware of hiding brawlers and any attacks that can go over, through, or under walls.
As soon as the battle ends, you will see a placement log and gain or lose X-Points for your currently selected brawler depending on your placement. For every 100 X-Points you gain on a specific brawler, it will become more difficult to continue gaining X-Points. Each brawler can have a maximum of 500 X-Points (for now, and may be changed in a later update).
Modifiers are changes made to a battle round which shake up the gameplay. Each modifier has an icon and a description that appears when you press on the “Info” button at the bottom of the icon. A darked icon means that the modifier is disabled, and a normal icon means that the modifier is enabled. There is also a “Random” button which enables and disables random modifiers if you’re not sure which modifiers to select. When selecting modifiers, make sure you don’t forget to press the “Save” button on the gamemode selection screen.
Environments are different locations that battles can take place in. Each environment has a battle theme, different map tiles, decorations, and an exclusive gamemode that can only be played in that environment. It’s not always about battling in LuckyBrawl, it’s also about connecting with the characters and seeing what kinds of activities you’re interested in based on the exclusive gamemode for an environment. However, be aware that you may not unlock an environment’s exclusive gamemode upon unlocking it. You can view all the environments by scrolling on the “Environments” box in the gamemode selection screen.
Besides gamemodes and modifiers, there are other settings that you can customize on the gamemode selection screen. On the gamemode selection screen, you can customize how many walls and bushes you want the map to have using the green sliders and their respective “Random” buttons. For more settings, press on the “More Gamemode Settings” button. There will be increase and decrease buttons for the number of teams, teammates, and the amount time a round will take. There will also be sliders and “Random” buttons provided for customizing the map size, including minimum width, maximum width, minimum height, and maximum height.
If this game gets more popular, I might add a “Shop” button to enter a shop where you will be presented with a variety of offers you can scroll through to purchase X-Points if you feel like it and want to unlock more content as soon as possible. Purchasing X-Points would increase the total amount of X-Points you have, and would not grant X-Points to individual brawlers. If your purchases are successful, the X-Point Bar would update.
You can press the “Instructions” button in the lobby to display these instructions at any time if you’re ever confused about anything or may have forgotten something.
I hope you enjoy playing this game!
LuckyBrawl Version: v1.0
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